Nancy Hudson, Purdue Extension/Fulton County HHS Educator, will be presenting “Whole Grains for Health” on Wednesday, August 15 @ 11:00. This program will take place in Kewanna Public Library. The library is located at 210 E. Main St., Kewanna, IN.
Many older adults are not consuming the recommended 3 whole grains and 5-6 ounces of grains needed daily for good health. They may be unaware of the U.S. Dietary Guideline recommendations for this food group and what whole grains really are. After participating in this lesson, older adults will increase their knowledge of what whole grain foods are and their health benefits. Participants will increase their awareness of how a food portion of grain food is based on an ounce equivalent from MyPlate and how much they typically eat. They will plan to increase their consumption of whole grains and read food labels for whole grain and fiber content of these foods.