“Honoring Our Vets”
Kewanna Union Township Public Library is “Honoring Our Vets” on Wednesday, November 12th from 4:30-5:30. Veterans, those currently serving in the military, military families, and anyone else wanting to honor our heroes should plan to attend. Share your stories, and share your time with friends and family. Light refreshments will be served.
International Games Day @ Kewanna Union Township Public Library
On Saturday, November 15th, more than one thousand libraries across the planet will showcase gaming programs and services as part of International Games Day @ your library. No longer just a place for books KUTPL is a gathering place for all ages. Gaming is yet another example of how a new format can fulfill the desire to learn, play, and yes, read at your library. So on November 15th, we invite everyone to visit Kewanna Union Township Public Library during International Games Day @ your library. Bring Grandpa and Grandma and the kids and take a new look at what your library has to offer-it may surprise!