Access popular titles from your phone or tablet 24/7
Kewanna Public Library is proud to offer you best-selling and classic ebooks, digital audiobooks, and recently added popular magazines available 24/7 from the library’s digital collection, www.kewanna.lib.in.us , OverDrive, or by downloading Libby, the one-tap reading app.
You can browse the collection, borrow with your library card, and enjoy on your computer, tablet, smartphone or eReader. Borrowed ebooks, audiobooks and magazines can be enjoyed immediately in your web browser or can be downloaded to the free Libby app for mobile devices. Digital titles can also be enjoyed on tablets and eReader devices such as the iPad®, NOOK®, and Kindle®. No matter how you plan to enjoy, titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period. There are no late fees!
With hundreds of popular titles to choose from, this digital collection is guaranteed to have something for everyone. You can enjoy best-sellers and classic literature, stories for kids and teens, and many popular magazines anytime, anywhere.
This service, powered by OverDrive, is free with your library card. To get started enjoying ebooks, audiobooks and magazines, visit www.kewanna.lib.in.us or download the Libby app today.
Libraries Rock!
Readers of all ages will explore all things musical this summer as Kewanna Union Township Public Library presents “Libraries Rock” during their summer library program. Activities may include, group games, musical crafts, art projects, science and engineering experiments, and more.
The 2018 Summer Reading Program is open to young people, birth through young adult, with programs, prize drawings, story times, and more.
Registration for “Libraries Rock” begins on May 29 and the summer reading program will end on July 23.
Teen Tech Week will be celebrated March 4-10 at Kewanna Public Library. “Libraries are for Creating” is the theme of Teen Tech Week this year. The library’s weekly teen group, Teens in Town will be hosting activities for Teen Tech Week that include a Tech Show, Texting Contest, and Tech Trivia.
Teen Tech Week promotes digital resources within libraries across the country that are available for teens and their families. The purpose of Teen Tech Week is to ensure that teens are competent and ethical users of digital media, especially the nonprint resources offered through libraries, such as e-books, databases, audiobooks, and social media.
Teen Tech Week encourages teens to use libraries’ nonprint resources for education and recreation, and to recognize that librarians are qualified, trusted professionals in the field of information technology.