Rochester Family Martial Arts Demonstration

Rochester Family Martial Arts will be giving a free demonstration at Kewanna Public Library on Sat., June 16 @ 10:00.  The martial arts students will be demonstrating their expertise of self-defense with the community.   Be sure to stop in for this special presentation!


This is a Summer Reading “Libraries Rock” special event!

Everyone is welcome to attend!

Yoga for Kids

Kewanna Public Library will be hosting “Yoga for Kids” on Thursday, June 21 and July 19 @ 3:00.  Kewanna Public Library is located on 210 E. Main St. Kewanna, IN.

Yoga has been around for thousands of years and is a fun and easy way to feel healthy & happy.  Yoga & kids are a perfect match.  Everyone can enjoy yoga from tots to adults!   Children of all ages are welcome to attend!


Join us for this Summer Reading “Libraries Rock” event!

Cookies & Canvas

Kewanna Public Library will host “Cookies & Canvas” on Wed., June 20 @ 3:00.  “Cookies & Canvas” will be led by local artist, Lindsey Kozubik.  Lindsey will be sharing her talent & love of art with our young artists.

Embrace your creative side while spending time with friends and enjoying some sweet treats!  You will paint step-by-step with instruction from an experienced and enthusiastic artist.   You will leave with a one of a kind creation and a new found talent!

All young artists are welcome to attend. Pre-registration is helpful.  All supplies and refreshments are provided – just bring yourself!

This is a Summer Reading “Libraries Rock” event!

2018 June Program Calendar

Summer Reading Program- “Libraries Rock”   May 29-July 23

Summer Food Service Meals- Tues., Wed., Thurs. 12-1  Ages 2-18

Computer Tech Time – Mon., June 4 & 25 10:00-12:00

Indiana Rocks w/ Josh Martindale- Wed., June 6 @ 11:00

Hoots to Howls- Thurs., June 7 @ 5:00

2nd Saturday Coloring Circle-Sat., June 9 @ 1:00

Adult Book Club- Tues., June 12 @ 2:00

Community State Bank Program- Wed., June 13 @ 11:00

Good’s History Review- Wed., June 13 @ 4:30

Indiana Rocks w/ Joshua Martindale- Thurs., June 14 @ 5:00

Rochester Martial Arts Demo- Sat., June 16 @ 10:00

Totally Veggies: “Cruciferous & Root Vegetables”- Wed., June 20 @ 11:00

Cookies & Canvas- Wed., June 20 @ 3:00

 Yoga for Kids- Thurs., June 21 @ 3:00

Library Board Meeting- Mon., June 25 @ 6:00

Good’s History Review- Wed., June 27 @ 11:00

 Story Time- Sat., June 30 @ 1:00


            Summer Reading “Rock & Roll @ the Library”

Wed., June 6,13,20,27 @ 4:00   Thurs., June 7,14,21,28 @ 4:00

Indiana Rocks

Kewanna Public Library will be hosting “Indiana Rocks” given by Joshua Martindale on Wed., June 6 @ 11:00 and Thurs., June 14 @ 5:00.  Joshua is a Kewanna resident, who has been an avid rock collector for many years.  He will share his love of rocks and will display his unique collection.

Join us at the library to learn about how to identify rocks and minerals that you find near home.  Joshua will also explain the best places to go rock hunting.

This is a Summer Reading “Libraries Rock” special event!

Everyone is welcome to attend!