March begins a new night for adult programming @ the library. Each program will be held 5:00-5:45. Most of the programs will be on Mondays, but occasionally programs will be planned on Thursdays. Since the library is open until 8:00pm on Thursdays, programs that will last longer than 1 hour will be presented then.
Zak, our tech expert, will be teaching “Tech Tips” on March 2. He is always open for questions that patrons might have about their own devices too.
March 9 is a planning session. We want to find out what programs that you are interested in attending @ the library.
Thursday, March 19, Att. Tim Murray will be presenting “Estate and Will Planning” 5:30-6:30. Join us for a very informative program.
March 23 will be Good’s History. Local historian, Marvin Good, will be presenting a program about Kewanna during the 1940’s. Please join us as Marv takes you back in time to look at the past.
Renell Finke, Purdue Extension/Fulton County Nutrition Educator, will join us on March 30 to present “Shop for Value! Check the Facts!” Renell will teach us how to eat healthy and save time, energy, and money for other things!