You are invited to celebrate Build a Better World
The Kewanna-Union Township Public Library
2017 Summer Reading Program May 30-July 24, 2017
How the Program Works:
- Readers ages up to 18 may participate in the summer reading program.
- Readers or their parents may register for the reading program beginning May 30.
- Readers will receive a record sheet to record the books you read this summer. Record sheets will be kept at the library.
- Library books must be checked out at KUTPL overnight in order to count for the summer reading program.
- Books must be returned to the circulation desk in order to be counted for summer reading. You must notify the library staff that you are participating in the summer reading program when you return your books.
- We will be offering a variety of programs, giveaways, and contests all summer, so pick up a list of events and drop in as often as possible.
- Everyone who was active in our summer reading program will be eligible to attend the Summer Reading Celebration on July 27th .
- All books need to be returned to the library by July 24, 2017 in order for them to count for the summer reading program.
Book points: P & E Books = 2 points
YF & Y Nonfiction= 5 points
YA Books= 10 points