Enjoying books and time together with friends will be a part of the theme for our young readers, as Kewanna Union Township Public Library presents “All Together Now” during their summer reading library program. Summer programs will include games, activities, art & craft projects, and more. We have many special events planned too.
The 2023 Summer Reading Program is open to young people, birth through 18, with programs, prize drawings, story times, and lots more.
Free youth summer lunches will be served Tues., Wed., & Thurs. from 12-1 June 6-July 18. The lunches will be provided in cooperation with the Rochester Schools.
Registration for “All Together Now” begins on May 30 and the summer reading program will end on July 22. Kewanna Union Township Public Library is located at 210 E. Main St., Kewanna, IN.
All programs are free of charge. Sign up for a fun-filled summer @ the library!