Dream Big, Read! 2014

Dream Big, Read! @ Kewanna-Union Township Public Library was spectacular!


Congratulations readers for making our summer reading program a big success!  Our 8 week program began on May 27th and ended on July 21st.  56 readers participated in our program this year.  The readers earned over 4400 points during the summer.  The Most Points Prize winners were: Ages 0-5  Reuben Helt; Ages 6-12  Josiah Helt; Ages 13-19  Nicole Hurlburt.  Grand Prize entries were received for attending summer programs and for checking out books.  The Grand Prize winners were:  Ages 0-5  Annabella Arnett; Ages 6-12  Ethan Arnett; Ages 13-19  Kayla Pidgeon.  The June drawing prize winner was Blaize Sauer, and the July drawing prize winner was Melanie Turnipseed.

We ended Dream Big, Read!  with a Summer Reading Celebration on Wednesday, July 23rd.  Almost 40 people attended this special event.  Clowns, Daffodil and Pee Wee helped to make our celebration special by painting faces and making balloon animals for all of the children.  Summer Reading Completion Certificates were given to all finishers for their hard work.  The special prize winners were also announced and received their prizes.  Many door prizes were also given out to those in attendance.  Our Summer Reading Celebration ended with good food, fellowship, and big smiles!

We would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous donations: Applebee’s, Casey’s, Dairy Queen, Flag Pole, Fulton County REMC, Indiana Beach, Luke’s Auction Barn, Pizza Hut, and The Streamliner.

We would also like to thank everyone involved in making our summer reading so successful: parents, library staff, sponsors, teachers, Daffodil, Pee Wee, and of course our summer readers.  We couldn’t have done it without you!

Don’t forget always Dream Big and Keep Reading!



June 2014 Programs


Summer Reading for Kids-“Dreamers”  Wed. @ 12:00 & Fri. @ 4:00; June 4 & 6 -“Night Sky”;  June 11 & 13- “Night Owls”;  June 18 & 20- “Night Adventures”; June 25 & 27- “Night Shivers”           (The same program will be offered on both days.)

Small Steps to Understanding My Plate (Part 3)-Wed., June 4 & 18 @ 12:00

“Trains of the Past” by Marvin Good-Wed., June 25th @ 11:00 and Thurs., June 26th @ 6:00

Story Time- Sat., June 28 @ 12:00

KUTPL’s Dream Big, Read! Summer Reading sponsors are Applebee’s, Casey’s, Dairy Queen, Flag Pole, Fulton County REMC Operation Round-Up Trust, Indiana Beach, Luke’s Auction Barn, Pizza Hut, and The Streamliner.  We appreciate their generosity!