Adult Education Class begins Tues., Jan. 26 12:30-3:30 at Kewanna Public Library!
“Imagine Your Story” @Kewanna Public Library!
Congratulations to our 2020 summer readers! Summer reading was new & different in 2020, but we still had a great Summer Reading Program! Our 8 week program began on June 2 and ended on July 25. 116 youth participated in our Summer Reading Program by picking up the weekly Craft to Go Kits which included everything to make a fun craft based on fairytales, folklore, and fantasy plus a book to keep. The Craft to Go Kits were a big success!
We ended “Imagine Your Story “with our annual Summer Reading Celebration on Thursday, July 30. Over 80 people attended this special event. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic Safety Guidelines, we were unable to have our celebration as we have in the past. But the ice cream cups that we served were a big hit on such a hot evening!
We passed out Summer Reading Certificates and many door prizes to those attending. The following prizes were awarded: Reading Prize winners- Ages 0-6 Deacon Finke; 7-11 David Stangle , 12-18 Emaline Rude. Grand Prize winners-Levi Jones, Mason Boros, Ashlyn Bailey, Alexa Finke. The Special Prizes were donated by Fulton County HOPE. Special Prizes winners-Hannah Rude won a girls 20 in. bicycle and Colton Konopasek won a boys 20 in. bicycle.
We also awarded prizes for our Castle Building Contest. We had 12 castle entries with 15 talented children entering their special creations! The winners were Prettiest Castle- Bella Rude; Most Creative Castle- Eli, Isaac, and Sam White; Castle Building Contest winners Ages 0-6 Christopher Jones; Ages 7-11 Anne & Elyse Jones; Ages 12-18 Emaline Rude
Everyone had a good time at our celebration and left with big smiles!
We would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous donations to our Summer Reading Program. Casey’s, Community State Bank, Country Lanes, Evans Insurance Agency, Friends of the Tippecanoe River State Park, Fulton County H.O.P.E., Fulton County R.E.M.C., Indianapolis Indians, Indy Eleven, Isis Movie Theater, James & Susan Widman, Jim Berry & Sons, Kewanna Metal Specialties, Kewanna Screen Printing, Kewanna U.M. Church, The Kibitzer, Mary Max Cinemas, Mike’s Trash, Peterson, Waggoner, & Perkins Law Office, Rochester Telephone Co., Vander Haag’s Inc., & Winamac Coil Spring. We would also like to thank everyone involved in making our new & unique 2020 Summer Reading Program so successful: parents, library staff, library board, community members, and of course, our summer readers. We really appreciate the support that our community gives us!
“Imagine Your Story” all year long!