2021 Summer Reading “Tails & Tales” June Special Events

Kewanna-Union Township Public Library will be hosting many special events this summer during their Youth Summer Reading Program “Tails & Tales”.  Everyone is welcome to attend these free special events!

2021 Youth Summer Reading “Tails & Tales” Kick-Off Event

 Kewanna-Union Township Public Library will be having their 2021 Youth Summer Reading “Tails & Tales” Kick-Off Event on Thursday, June 3 @ 5:00.

Youth ages 18 and under may sign-up for summer reading, which will be held June1 –July 24.  Have fun with friends, pick-up free give aways, sign-up for door prizes, and enjoy snacks!


Hoots to Howls Wildlife Rehab Demo

Kewanna Public Library will be hosting Hoots to Howls Wildlife Rehab Demo on Thurs., June 10 @ 5:00.  Kewanna-Union Township Public Library is located at 210 E. Main St., Kewanna, IN.

Join us as Kim Hoover, president of the nonprofit organization Hoots to Howls Wildlife Rehab Inc., gives a live animal demonstration to educate the public about our local wildlife. Hoots to Howls take in sick and injured animals and rehabilitate them for release back into their natural habitat.

This is a Summer Reading “Tails & Tales” special event!  Donations of cleaning supplies will be gladly accepted.  Everyone is welcome to attend this free event!


Peaceable Primate Kingdom Sanctuary

Kewanna-Union Township Public Library will be hosting Peaceable Primate Kingdom Sanctuary on Thursday, June 17 @ 5:00 for an educational program.  Kewanna-Union Township Public Library is located at 210 E. Main St., Kewanna, IN.

Peaceable Primate Kingdom Sanctuary is a non-profit sanctuary for primates from research facilities and the pet trade.  It provides a retirement home for primates that have been used in research, kept as pets, and for monkeys that are no longer needed.

Join us for this Summer Reading “Tails & Tales “special event!  Donations of cereal will be gladly accepted.  Everyone is welcome to attend this free event!


Rochester Family Martial Arts Demonstration

 Rochester Family Martial Arts will be giving a free demonstration at Kewanna-Union Township Public Library on Sat., June 19 @ 10:00.  The martial arts students will be demonstrating their expertise of self-defense with the community.   Be sure to stop in for this special presentation!

This is a Summer Reading “Tails & Tales” special event! Everyone is welcome to attend!


Cookies & Canvas

Kewanna-Union Township Public Library will host “Cookies & Canvas” on Wed., June 23 @ 2:00.  “Cookies & Canvas” will be led by local artist, Lindsey Kozubik.  Lindsey will be sharing her talent & love of art with our young artists.

Embrace your creative side while spending time with friends and enjoying some sweet treats!  You will paint step-by-step with instruction from an experienced and enthusiastic artist.   You will leave with a one of a kind creation and a new found talent!

All young artists are welcome to attend. Pre-registration is helpful.  All supplies and refreshments are provided – just bring yourself!

This is a Summer Reading “Tails & Tales” event!


Tippecanoe River State Park Presentation

Kewanna-Union Township Public Library will be hosting Tippecanoe River State Park on Thursday, June 24 @ 5:00.  The state park is located in nearby Pulaski County.

Tippecanoe River State Park naturalist will be presenting an educational program about wildlife native to Indiana.

Join us for this Summer Reading “Tails & Tales “special event!  Everyone is welcome to attend this free event!


Adult Education Class Updates

Our Adult Education Class schedule is Tues. & Thurs. 12:30-3:30. at the library.
Tues. (virtual) 4:30-6:00 and you can stop by for materials & questions.
We have just added Thursday evenings 4:30-7:00 at the library.
This class is for anyone who is at least 16 years of age, currently not attending school, and wanting to earn a High School Equivalency Diploma (HSE). The class is FREE and an excellent opportunity for the people of the community to earn a diploma.
Stop in at the library or email kewannalibedu@gmail.com for more information.