Indiana State Park Pass in honor of Indiana’s Bicenntennial

In celebration of Indiana’s Bicentennial, Indiana State Parks and the Indiana State Library have partnered to place 240 state park entrance passes in circulation for check-out at public libraries.  The passes will provide access to Indiana’s 32 state parks and also to Indiana’s state forest recreation areas where entrance fees are charged. The Indiana state park passes give library patrons an opportunity to explore and enjoy the many beautiful state parks across Indiana by simply using their library card to check-out the free passes.

Patrons of Kewanna Public Library can check out the state park pass for a week at a time by using their library card. Please call the library ahead of time to be sure that the pass is available.

Kewanna Public Library would like to thank the Indiana State Parks and the Indiana State Library for this wonderful opportunity to share with their patrons.


Kewanna Fall Festival Events 9/24/2016

Kewanna Fall Festival



 Kewanna Public Library

                              Fall Festival Coloring Contest – pictures due Sept.21                                                       Ask at the library for more details.


Sat., Sept. 24

Free Book Give-Away   9:00-3:00

Patron Appreciation Day @ 11:00

Story Time on the Lawn @ 11:00

Kewanna Fall Festival Coloring Contest

Calling all children!  Show us your artist talent!

Pick up the Kewanna Fall Festival contest coloring page @ Kewanna Public Library!  Color the page and return to the library with your name and age on back of the entry.

Contest pictures are due by Wed., Sept. 21!  Prizes will be awarded to the winners!

Good luck to everyone!


Read for Fines Sept.1-Dec. 31, 2016

                   Start the New Year with no library fines!

                   Sept. 1-Dec. 30, 2016  @   Kewanna Public Library

  • Patrons 18 & under with library fines may participate.
  • Reader & parent must sign a reading contract in order to participate.
  • Readers will be allowed to check out up to 5 books at a time.
  • On accounts with fines over $9.99, checkout must first be oked by the library director. (This service is only allowed when the library director is available.)
  • Books may be read at the library and not checked out, but the books must be shown to the librarian on duty for in-house credit.
  • Credit will be given on current Kewanna Public Library fines only and no future credit will be given.
  • Credit for reading will be awarded by Kewanna Public Library staff after books are returned.
  • Read for Fines credit can only be used on the participating reader’s card.
  • Only books checked out at Kewanna Public Library will count for library credit.
  • For each book read, $.50 will be taken off the readers’ account.
  • Record sheets for those patrons participating will be kept at the library in order to keep track of credit given on library accounts.



September is Library Card sign-up month!


A library card is the coolest card – September is Library Card Sign-up Month

Studies show that children who are read to in the home and who use the library perform better in school. September is Library Card Sign-up Month, a time when the Kewanna Union Township Public Library joins with the American Library Association and public libraries nationwide to make sure that every student has the most important school supply of all – a free library card.

Resources at the Kewanna Union Township Public Library are available to anyone who has a library card. Students can turn to the library for materials, programs and knowledgeable library staff that support academic achievement.

Today’s libraries aren’t only a place of quiet study, but also creative and engaging community centers where students can collaborate using new technologies or just relax with peers.  Our library offers access to a variety of print and digital resources, including OverDrive for e-books and Evergreen Indiana. Evergreen Indiana is a growing consortium of 107 public, school and institutional libraries located throughout Indiana that use the Evergreen ILS.  Patrons of member libraries can use their Evergreen Indiana library card to view the catalogs and borrow materials from the other member libraries.

We also offer programming for patrons of all ages.  Stop in at KUTPL and pick up a monthly calendar, visit our website, or Facebook page to see what’s happening! There’s really something for everyone and it’s all free with a library card!

For more information on how to sign up for a library card, visit the Kewanna
Union Township Public Library in person or visit the library online at

To enter our Library Card Sign-Up Month Drawing, sign-up for a new library card, get a library card replacement for a lost or damaged card, or use your library card when checking out library materials.